What’s New
The Eastern Townships are a charming mix of United Empire Loyalist and French styles and traditions. An itinerary could include the St. Benoit du Lac Abby, a tour along the shores of Lake Memphremagog, a tour of the Bombardier Museum and Factory (home of the skidoo!), a visit to one of the regions’ many wineries specializing in ice wine, as well as the lovely villages dotting the region such as North Hatley or Magog.
Sherbrooke, the largest city in the region, has 18 murals throughout the town. Your group will have fun finding the hidden leprechaun in each mural, as well as enjoying a visit to the local farmers’ market.
Lunch can be prearranged at a local restaurant or sugar shack.

The Saguenay Region offers a glimpse at a recently-isolated region that is now visited by cruise ships. Step On Guides offers tours of this picturesque area which can include visits to local artisans such as glass-blowers, cheese makers, and an agora goat producer who designs and makes unique clothing.
Be amazed by the White House, which survived the devastating flood of 1996 which wiped out an entire neighbourhood.

Step On Guides has been taking care of our groups for almost 15 years every time they travel to Montreal, Quebec and Ottawa. We've probably had several hundred groups that were served by Stepon Guides and every time, we can count on the guides being on time, bilingual and knowledgeable of the areas.
I strongly recommend Step on Guides to anybody!